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Tisha B'Av

Tzedek Chicago and Higaleh Nah are proud to sponsor a public Tisha B'Av service, featuring the traditional Hebrew chanting of Eicha (the Biblical book of Lamentations).

Tisha B'Av commemorates the destruction of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem - which, according to Jewish tradition, was the result of Sinat Chinam ("baseless hatred.") Please join us as we bring our lamentations directly to the seat of US power: as a cry of grief for our collective losses, a wail of protest against forces of systemic oppression and a song of hope to the world we know is possible.

We will gather in Federal Plaza at 7:45pm on August 12 for our Tisha B'Av service. This is a masks required event -- please review Tzedek's COVID policy prior to attending.

August 11

Tzedek Healing Circle

August 14

Midweek Gathering